Hello, I’m Vic 👋🏾
I’m a software engineer in Raleigh, North Carolina. I enjoy running, biking, disc golf, reading, writing, food, dadding, buying plants, playing with dough, playing violin, and raising backyard chickens.
I also start a lot of new projects. Some of them are here.
Ways to get in touch with me: Twitter, LinkedIn, and my newsletter.
This is my personal website. What you see below are a collection of my thoughts, and sometimes just public documentation. I’ve realized that if I try to get my thoughts perfect before hitting publish they will never see the light of day. So strap yourself in and read the things I was happy to put out into the world, freed from expectations.
Some personal favorites
I was recently asked about the best way to calculate a particular Fibonacci number. In this post I explain why you may not always want to reach for recursion, a favorite technique of interviewers. ✨ WITH MEMES AND GRAPHS. ✨
There is a misconception that Remix is only for static sites. This is a how-to guide for building a full-stack app with the new framework + Prisma + Supabase, and deploying it to Vercel.
The difference between good and bad commit messages, and how to enforce the structure with commitlint and Husky git hooks.
Unix/Linux utilities are one of my favorite ways to do basic text analysis. This post was originally a Twitter thread but I kept running into the character limit and wanted to write it down in longer form, so here we are.